How to Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Private (Simple Guide)

By |2022-12-02T15:07:14+00:00December 2nd, 2022|linkedin support|
How to Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Private

The recently created LinkedIn account is set to be viewable by the general public by default. When other users of the LinkedIn search for your profile using any search engine, your profile may appear based on the option you have chosen for its exposure outside of LinkedIn. Because of this, you should know that anybody can read your LinkedIn page through search engines like Google and Bing. The good news is that you can personalize your public profile by modifying the visibility status of your profile parts in public search engines via the page dedicated to your public profile. You can conceal your profile entirely or show only some parts of it by using the privacy settings on LinkedIn. Now, let’s go over each stage of the process to conceal your LinkedIn profile.

Hide your LinkedIn profile

You can make yourself completely invisible to other members of LinkedIn by concealing your profile on the platform. It is also possible for your profile to be displayed to those who are using LinkedIn but hidden from those not using it. This can be done if you want your profile only to be displayed to LinkedIn users.

To conceal your identity from the public:

Hide Your LinkedIn Profile

  1. To access your profile, navigate to the top of the page and click the “Me” symbol.
  2. To view your profile, click here.
  3. To change your public profile URL, go to the right-hand side of your profile page and click “Edit your public profile URL.”
  4. To make your profile invisible to the public, go to the “Customize your public profile” area on the right and select “Off” from the drop-down menu.

Why Should I Hide My LinkedIn Profile

You have the option to filter the information that is listed here using this method. Your most basic information must be entered for it to appear. However, you can conceal information about yourself, including your profile photo and title, as well as posts, experiences, and summary information. Because of these processes, you can conceal sensitive information from outside parties so that it will not compromise the security of your data.

What are the Benefits of Hiding My LinkedIn Profile?

When you first join up with LinkedIn, the visibility of your profile will be set to public. Due to this fact, public profiles on LinkedIn have a chance of being indexed by every search engine. If you want to update these settings, you may do so by clicking the “edit visibility” button on your LinkedIn profile’s “privacy and security” page. By doing these steps, the visibility of your profile can be modified according to your preferences. When you take this step, you can prohibit others who are not connected to you from viewing the information on your profile. LinkedIn profiles can be concealed from undesired outsiders in this manner. You can also use this method to stop others from sharing your LinkedIn profile with their connections.

A Concise Explanation of How to Hide and Why You Should Hide

You can protect your data any way you see fit when you use LinkedIn, the most popular social platform for searching for jobs. You’ll find this option under the settings section of LinkedIn’s Privacy tab. In response to why you might find it necessary to conceal your LinkedIn profile: You can conceal your LinkedIn profile if strangers obtain access to the information, you have posted there.


What information do people see when they look at my LinkedIn page?2022-11-25T09:44:35+00:00

All LinkedIn users who sign in can see everything on your profile page. From the “Settings and Privacy” tab, you can change what shows up on your LinkedIn profile page. You can also choose who can see your LinkedIn profile photo and how much of your profile information can be seen outside of LinkedIn.

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How can I find out who has looked at my LinkedIn page?2022-11-25T09:45:03+00:00

There are differences between the accessible version of “Who’s viewed my profile?” and the paid version. Your LinkedIn profile page has a section called “Who’s viewed my profile page?”

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Is there anything different between my profile and the one people can see?2022-11-25T09:45:36+00:00

People who look for you on search engines will see your public profile. But that depends on how you set up your privacy settings.

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Can someone browsing in private mode see my LinkedIn profile information when I hide it?2022-11-25T09:46:07+00:00

No, no one can see the information you hid before.

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If I change my profile picture after I’ve hidden it, will other users be able to see the new picture?2022-11-25T09:46:38+00:00

Your profile picture will stay hidden unless you change the setting in your privacy settings to make it visible.

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About the Author:

My name is Rick, Since I am always up to date on the most recent information regarding social media, If you follow my blogs, you will become familiar with every social media strategy there is.

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